Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sharing the Beach

  I am linking up with   Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday

Happy Memorial Day Weekend....God Bless and special thanks to all the veterans and our military men and women.

The Memorial Day weekend is usually the start of summer vacations and trips to the beaches. I wanted to remind bird lovers and beach lovers to help protect and still enjoy the shorebirds and the cute beach nesters.

This week my post is on some of the birds that nest on beaches. Since it is time for the beach nesting birds and summer is almost here my post is about protecting the beach nesters. There are some great tips for all beach lovers that are easy to follow.

 The Black Skimmers, American Oystercatchers and the Terns are all birds that nest on the dunes. I have seen them at Cape May, Maryland Beaches like Assateague and at Chincoteague beach. I believe these birds nest on beaches up and down the eastern coast of the US.

 I saw this Florida Audubon poster which has some great tips on how to protect the beach nesting birds. These simple things should be done as long as the birds are nesting and the chicks are seen on the beaches ....not just for the holiday weekend. These suggestions should be followed by beach lovers not only from Florida but up and down the US coastlines. 

There are simple things listed that everyone can do to help protect these birds, their nest and the chicks. Above are some of my shots of the Piping Plovers.

Above is a photo of a Piping Plover seen at Curry Hammock State Park in the Florida Keys. I thought the Florida Audubon notice was perfect since I was sharing the Piping Plover I saw while in Florida. But, I would hope all the Audubon Chapters located on the East Coast of the US would have the same kind of notice protecting the beach nesting birds.

I hope you enjoyed my post and thanks for visiting my blog and post. I really appreciate your comment too.
Join in on the fun and for more wonderful photos please visit  Mosaic Monday and more from  Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to our host: Mary our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a happy week!


  1. such neat birds. love those skimmers. hope their areas are respected this weekend (and always).

  2. Great post Eileen . . . good tips. Part of going to the beach and the Dunes and the Beaches here in Michigan is a chance to see the skimmers/terns and others.
    Enjoy these beautuful days!

  3. I do feel for them especially during these long holiday weekends -- I wish everyone was as concerned as you, Eileen.

  4. Hi Eileen Love the post and advice,if only everyone would take it. great Skimmers. I have never seen one, maybe someday.Margaret

  5. Oh, lovely mosiacs of your shore birds! And great beach tips!

  6. I have never seen piping plovers before, and aren't they the cutest looking birds! Fantastic shots once again Eileen. xx

  7. Another one, I have never heard of the Piping Plover, cheers Eileen.

  8. Great post, Eileen. Cute birds. Hope their nestes will be respected.

    Wish you a great week!


  9. those skimmers are amazing!

    We need posters like that on our coastlines too.

  10. Great advice to all of us, Eileen. Wish EVERYONE who goes to the beach in the summer would read this. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Memorial Day.

  11. These are all so wonderful - birds we never get to see. Thanks for sharing.

  12. A really lovely post packed with important information and advice for the approaching beach season.
    Education is the key to survival of these shore nesting birds.

    We have a lot to thank David Attenborough for - his inspiring wildlife documentaries have brought awareness of the plight of birds especially.
    Shane ♥

  13. Thanks for the reminder that humans aren't the only ones using the beach this time of year. We need to considerately share with all God's creatures.

  14. Hi Eileen...Here in Maine the Piping Plover is an endangered species, last year under 40 pairs where observed by the Maine Department of Inland fisheries and Wildlife !!
    The nesting area are fenced and signed for protecting, but some people are ignorant, they do as they please and let there kids and dogs run loose but if a Game Warden see's you ( and they do patrol the beaches) you can be in big do-do!! Federal offense!! Sorry I am ranting !!
    Great important post ...your bird photo's are some nice!!

  15. Wonderful advice for us. Must have been wonderful to see the birds nesting. Lovely post!

  16. Seeing the birds is part of the wonder of visiting the shore. It's so important to protect their habitat. Thanks for the reminder.

  17. It is important to remind people to share the beach with the wildlife. Hope they hear you. Valerie

  18. Interesting post Eileen. Here there are turtle watches on the beaches, I doubt we have any birds that nest there.

  19. Thank you for posting this reminder! Great thing to remind people of this time of year. I love the photo of the Piping Plover. Such a cute bird!

  20. Those Piping Plovers are so cute! I hope the sign is heeded. I know it doesn't go over well with those who like to drive on the beaches in states where it is allowed.

  21. This is really a great reminder to be respectful of birds we may otherwise not think about. Thanks for the tips.

  22. Wonderful shots of the birds in the beach.

  23. Shorebirds are something we don't have the privilege of seeing. Love these photos!

  24. Hi Eileen!
    Great pics! I love pics of natüre.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and your comment!
    Hope to see you at my place again:)
    Have a wonderful week!

  25. Lindas fotos do mar que sempre tem coisas lindas! Ótima semana!beijos,chica

  26. Good morning Eileen!!Very interesting post!Great photos and captures! I have never heard of the Piping Plover bird before!It looks so cute!Thank you for sharing!Have a lovely week!

  27. Hi Eileen, I really enjoyed your awesome and unique photos. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  28. the skimmer is a bird very high up on my wish list. But so far way. :(

  29. Wow, the first bird I´ve never seen. Very special form and colors. Gorgeous ! The second bird is really cute. Best regards, Synnöve

  30. Sensational shots of the birds. Enjoy your long weekend.

  31. a great reminder eileen!!

    nice images, i saw the oystercatchers for the first time in cape may. they look so cool when the flock takes off!!

    happy monday!!

  32. Fantastic shots!
    My mom said they saw an eagle at the farm the other day, but it never comes around when I'm there w/ my camera... dog-gone it, I wanna shoot it... w/ my camera, of course! LoL! =)

  33. What a lovely post, such great pictures of these lovely little birds :)

  34. Great photos of the birds and a good reminder of just how fragile many bird habitats are around the world.

  35. Very nice pictures, clean and crisp colors, beautiful catch, sensational!

  36. Excellent photos and tips Eileen.

  37. A lovely post Eileen, thank you :)

  38. I so agree I wish the birds nests and areas were

  39. Words of wisdom! Hopefully these sensitive areas are well identified to warn the unknowing where they is.

    Beautifully captured!

  40. Beautiful pics of birds at the beach!
    Happy Memorial Day!

  41. Wow! beautiful collage. Those plover pics are nice!

  42. Such a lovely post, Eileen. Awesome captions of this beautiful scenery and I love your advice!

  43. Great reminder for the summer season; and beautiful photos as always.

  44. Great shots! The Piping Plover is such a cute bird.

  45. Your Oystercatchers are so different to ours. Those beaks are incredible!!
    I love those sweet little Plovers too!

  46. Great photos! I think it's great you are sharing these tips. Of course, since I'm nowhere near a beach, I'll just have to enjoy your photos.

  47. Awesome, just plain awesome. I so love the beach. Hope your holiday weekend went well.

  48. Interesting post and great shots of the birds. I hope you had a happy memorial day.

  49. Nice post! Interesting birds. I'm back from a long road trip, so am trying to catch up.

  50. Piping plovers are definitely protected here on Lake Huron where they nest every year. The beach where they nest on Wasaga Beach is roped off.

  51. Hi Eileen, I have not seen many of these birds in person (if I did it was twenty-five years ago and I don't recall them). Your reminder about bird nesting in the sand is timely and good. Have a great day and a fine Wed. tomorrow, too!

  52. Very good images and I like the Audubon poster.

  53. Any of the Plovers are such a treat to see. I've seen the Black-bellied and Snowy Plovers. They are so beautiful. And those Piping types look SUPER tiny!!! I'd add that dog owners need to keep their dogs on leashes! I've seen so many things this past month that have made angry. Dogs will be dogs. Owners should be fined for their irresponsible behavior....which includes running on the beaches chasing the birds off their nests or eating/smashing the eggs.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "We don't remember days, we remember moments." July 2, 2009 our Royal Cari...